SY/T 10015-2019 海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程

SY/T 10015-2019 海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程


SY/T 10015-2019 海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程

f)综合导航配置图。 g)电缆及震源配置图。 h)资料清单及装箱单。 i)施工报告,内容参见附录D。

SY/T 100152019

地震数据存储介质标签应包括但不限于以下内容: a)存储介质数量编号。 )基于单条测线地震数据记录的存储介质总数和编号。 c)工区基本信息JTG H30-2015公路养护安全作业规程 ,包括工区、客户和施工方名称。 1)测线基本信息,包括测线号、施工序号、施工方向和施工日期。 e)炮号和文件号范围。 f)记录格式。 g)记录长度和采样率。

附录A (资料性附录) 地震数据存储介质标签参考内容

仪器记录班报封面应包括但不限于以下内容: a)工区及测线基本信息,包括工区、客户和施工方名称、测线号、施工序号、施工方向和施工 日期。 b)仪器系统主要参数,包括仪器名称、记录格式、记录长度和采样率、滤波参数、仪器延迟。 c)震源系统参数,包括组合方式、容量、工作压力和沉放深度。 d)排列(电缆)系统参数,包括电缆型号、电缆长度和沉放深度、总道数及道间距。 e)导航系统主要参数,包括导航及定位系统名称、最小偏移距和中心源距、炮间距。 f)辅助道说明。

综合导航班报应包括但不限于以下内容: a)工区基本信息,包括工区、客户和施工方名称。 b)测线基本信息,包括测线号、施工序号、施工方向和施工日期。 C)施工条件,包括风力和风向、流速和流向、涌浪情况。 d)测线开始时和结束时对应的时间和炮号、主参考点横向偏离测线的距离、水深及电缆羽角 e)每200炮对应的时间和炮号、主参考点横向偏离测线的距离、水深及电缆羽角。 f)测线上个导航设备的运行情况。 g)测线上发生特殊情况的备注。 h)作员签名

综合导航班报应包括但不限于以下内容: a)工区基本信息,包括工区、客户和施工方名称。 b)测线基本信息,包括测线号、施工序号、施工方向和施工日期。 c)施工条件,包括风力和风向、流速和流向、涌浪情况。 d)测线开始时和结束时对应的时间和炮号、主参考点横向偏离测线的距离、水深及电缆羽角、 e)每200炮对应的时间和炮号、主参考点横向偏离测线的距离、水深及电缆羽角。 f)测线上个导航设备的运行情况。 g)测线上发生特殊情况的备注。 h)操作员签名

施工报告封面应包括但不限于以下内容: a)封面包括报告名称、施工单位落款及报告日期。 b)封二包括报告名称、客户和施工单位名称、施工时间、编写人、审核人和审批人姓名、施工 单位落款及报告日期。

The People's Republic of China Standard of

SY/T100152019 ReplaceSY/T10015—2013,SY/T10027—2012

Technical specifications for towed streamer marine

SY/T 100152019

SY/T 100152019

Appendix A (Informative) References for seismic data storage media labels AppendixB(Informative)Referencesfor instrumental logs ·30 AppendixC (Informative)References forintegrated navigation logs 31 AppendixD (Informative) Referencesforjobreports ·32


SY/T 100152019

follows: SY/T10027—2001 This standard is published in both Chinese and

English.Incaseofanydiscrepancy,theChinese version shall prevail.



Normative references

Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.

3.1 feather angle

It refers tothe anglebetween mean streamer azimuth(ortailbuoybearing)and designed survey lineazimuth

3.2bad trace

ncaseo onformingtoanyoneof ollowing,a shot is considered as a bad shot: a)Noseismicdatarecordedordatarecordednotas required. b)Nonavigation datarecorded orunqualified data. c)Nosourcefired orsourcefirednotas required

3.4shooting reference point



Theoperationparametersobtainedfrom constructiondesign reports should includethe

SY/T 100152019

4.2Collection of work area information


c)Checkthelargevesselsandtheshippinglanesin and around the work area d)Preliminarilyassess the influence on operatior timeliness and seismic data quality caused by obstacles, fishing activities, and large vessels.

5Technical requirementsfor equipment

s required by SY/T 10019

5.2Seismicstreamer As required by GB/T 24261.2. 5.3Seismicrecordingsystem As required by GB/T24261.3.

As required bySY/T6839

5.5Source controller



The technical specifications of the ancillary equipment shall not be inferior to the requirements in Table 1

Table1Technical specifications of ancillary equipment





6.1.1Basic requirements


Belowarestreameroperationspecifications: a)Thepermissiblewingangleoftwodep

Belowarestreameroperationspecifications: a)Thepermissiblewingangleoftwodepth

SY/T 100152019

Table2Requirements of RMS noiseon streamers

6.2.2Source system

the designed; 4)Thecoefficientof correlationbetween the frequency spectrum and the designed frequency spectrum of the source shall not be less than0.998


Positioning and navigation operation techniques shall be in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 6839


Thefollowingshallbesatisfiedduringseismicdata acquisition: a)Theseismicdatarecordformatshallbein accordancewith SEG recordformat. b)Themalfunctioningtimeof echosoundersshall notexceed30min


Theequipmentinspectionshallincludebutnot limited to thefollowing: a)Dailyandmonthlyinspectionofseismic streamers as required. b)Calibration and check of ancillary equipment in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 10026. c)Bubbletest of each individual gun inwater at the beginning of operation: bubble test of the

Iheequipmentinspectionshallincludebutnot limited to thefollowing: a)Dailyandmonthlyinspectionofseismic streamers as required. b)Calibrationandcheckof ancillary equipment in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 10026. c)Bubbletestof each individual guninwater at the beginning of operation; bubble test of the




7.2.2Daily inspection

Thedailyinspectionofacquisitionparameter settings shall includebut not limited to the following: a)Spheroidparameters,projectionparameters, coordinates conversion parameters. b)Shooting referencepoint. c)Recordingformat,recordinglength,sampling rate.

Thedailyinspectionofacquisitionparameter settings shall include but not limited to the following: a)Spheroidparameters,projectionparameters, coordinates conversion parameters. b)Shooting referencepoint. c)Recordingformat,recordinglength,sampling rate

7.3First line checking


Checkfor each singleline,and record theline information and results of quality control.The quality control shall include but not limited to the following: a)Reformat thedata collected in the field into the data that theprocessing system can recognize,

Checkfor each singleline,and record theline informationandresults of qualitycontrol.The quality control shall include but not limited to the following: a)Reformat thedata collected in the field into the data that theprocessing system can recognize,

SY/T 100152019

7.6Bin folds counting

c)When the streamer length is less than 4000 m, the selected offset range should be trisected, including near segment, mid segment and far

Figure1Offset selectionmethod

segment.Therequirementsforbinfoldsare shown in Table 3.


Table3Requirementsforbinfolds with streamer length<4000m

cuirements forbinfolds with streamer length>


8.1Data evaluation

The methods for data evaluation are as follows: a)The line segment shall notbe acceptableif the number of continuous bad shots is greater than 10. b)Theline segment shall notbe acceptable if the numberofbad shots amongany100continuous shots isgreater than 20.

8.2Bad shot rate limitation

Thebad shotrate limitation isasfollows: a)The rate of bad shots on survey line(segment) shallnotbegreaterthan5% b)The rate of bad shots in work area shall not be greater than 3%


The submitted information should include but noi

A seismic data storage media label shall include but not limited to the followings: a)The quantity of storagemedia. b)Thesequencenumberandtotalnumber of seismic data storagemediabased onan individual line. c)Basic information of work area,including the

AppendixA (Informative) Referencesforseismicdata storagemedialabels

AppendixA (Informative) References for seismic data storage media labels

Appendix A Informative

d)Basic information of survey line,including line number,jobnumber,jobdirectionandjobdate. e)Rangeof shotnumberandfilenumber. f)Recordingformat. g)Recording length and samplingrate

B.2Main text

The main part of instrumental logs shall include but

Appendix B (Informative) References for instrumental logs

notlimitedto: a)Basic information of work area,including the names ofwork area,clientand contractors. b)Basic information of surveyline,including line number, jobnumber,job direction and job date. )Operationalconditions,includingwindforceand direction, current speed and direction, and swell state. d) Bad traces and dropped guns at the start and end of line. e)Thefilenumber of start of linenoise and end of line noise. f)Tapenumberandcorrespondingtapedrive number (provided that the case the data storage medium is tape). g)Shotnumber,time,featherangleandwater depth at start and end of line. h)Shotnumber,time,featherangleandwater depth of start and ending file on every tape (provided that the case the data storage medium is tape). )Commentswhenanunusualthinghappensona line. Signatureofoperator

The integrated navigation log shall include but not limited to thefollowing: a)Basic information ofwork area,including the names of work area,client and contractors. b)Basic information of survey line,including line number,job number,job direction and job date. c)Operational conditions,includingwindforceand direction, current speed and direction, and swell state d)Time.shotnumber.distanceof main reference

SY/T 100152019

Appendix C (Informative) References for integrated navigation logs

AQ 3010-2022 加油站作业安全规范.pdfAppendix C (Informative) References for integrated navigation logs

depth and feather angle at start and end of a line. )Time.shotnumber.distanceofmainreference point transversely apart from the line,water depth and feather angle for every 200 shots. f)Performanceofallnavigationequipmentona line. g)Comments whenan unusual thinghappens ona line. h)Signatureofoperator

SY/T 100152019

Thecoverofjobreportshallincludebutnotlimited to thefollowing: a)The cover shall include report name,contractor signature and report date. b)Insidefront cover shall includereport name, clientname,contractorname,operationtime, reportwriter,reviewer,approver,contractor signatureandreportdate.


Appendix D (Informative) References for job reports

GB 50174-2017 数据中心设计规范(完整正版清晰)h)Implementationofcontractconfidentiality )Data delivery and contact information. )Questionsandsuggestions.

