EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf

EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf
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EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf


Deflection shall be measured within an accuracy of ± O,5 mm whilst the air handling unit is operating under test conditions. For example, referring to Figure 3, deflection X'x" is measured for span R's', deflectionXx"ismeasured forspanPQ. Deflection X'x"is a function of panel stiffness.Deflection Xx" is afunction of both frame and panel stiffness.Frame deflection is RR'and SS'. EXAMPLE PQ =2m R'S =RS=1m Measured deflection XX"= 8 mm Measured deflection X'x"= 5 mm

GBT 50760-2021 数字集群通信工程技术标准.pdfUNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007(


Air handling units with sections operating under positive pressure shall, in all cases, have the positive pressure sections tested separately from the rest of the unit where the operating pressure mmediately downstream of thefan exceeds 25o Pa positivepressure.If thepositivepressure does not exceed 25o Pa, a negative pressuretest shall be sufficient.The test pressure applied to the positive pressure sections shall be 7oo Pa positive pressure or the air handling unit's maximum oositive operatingpressure,whichever is thegreater.The remainder of the unit shall be tested in accordance with6.1.1, with the applicable leakage rate beinggoverned bythe efficiency of the filter immediately upstream of the fan. It is also allowed to test the entire unit under positive and negative pressure.

The air leakage from the sections subjected to 70o Pa positive pressure shall be in accordance with Table5.

In the case of units tested at a pressure deviating from 7oo Pa the measured leakage rate shall be converted intoavalue at referencepressure,usingthefollowingformula

ne measured leakagerate at the actual test pressur

f700 isthe convertedleakagerateat70o Pa,seeTable5 Air leakage tests on model boxes shall be performed at both 400 Pa negative pressure and 700 Pa positivepressure.

6.2.1 Test apparatus

hetestapparatus fan with a duty at least capable of meeting

If the air handling unit is too largefor the capacity of the leakage test apparatus (accuracy ± 3o %), or a restriction of accessfor deliveryrequires that the unit shouldbe tested in sections or sub assemblies, the breakdown should be agreed by the manufacturer and purchaser prior to the test date.

UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)

Where heat recoverydevices are installed,the supply and extractsections shall be testedtogetheras asinaleunit.

Where heat recovery devices are installed, the supply and extract sections shall be tested together as a single unit.

1 AHU under test 2AHUtestpressuregauge 3Bleedvalveasalternativetovariablespeedfan 4Variablespeedfan

Figure4Apparatusfortestingthe casingairleakage(negativepressuretest).Typical example


The unit to be tested shall be put up in the plane in which it is intended to operate with its sections connected or joinedbythe method given inthe installation instructions


EN 1886:2007

6:2007 (E)

Where it is necessary to fit blanking plates, the plates shall be fitted by a similar method to that of the intended installed joint. Openings for electrical, air or water services shall be closed prior to testing. Dampers shall be dismountedbeforetesting orfittedwithblankingplates if the damperis inside. The air handling unit shall not incorporate any additional sealing over that of the standard product or where applicable,oftheagreed specification

6.3Test procedure

Turn on the test apparatus fan unit and adjust until the static test pressure inside the test unit is within 5%of the specified figure. Keep this pressure constant for 5 minutes, and do not record any readings until the pressure has stabilised

Record theleakageflow rateandthetestpressure.


(maximum deviation ± 5 %), shall be converted into leakage rates in accordance with the test pressure classifying the leakage class in Table 4 and/or 5.

The unit shall be deemed passable if the recorded leakage rate is not greater than the allowable leakage rate. If the unit has to be tested in sections, the total sum of the recorded leakage rates for all sections shall be the basis for pass or fail.



7.1.1 General

especlallyahigh efficiency one, because the bypass air is not filtered. In addition, any inward leakage through the casing downstream of the filter has the same effect. Therefore for filters located upstream of the fan, che air tightness and area of the casing between the filter and the fan are factors that can affect the filterbypassleakagerate

7.1.2Acceptable filterbypass leakage rates

Table 7 gives the acceptable filter bypass leakage rate, related to different filter classes, as percentages of the specified or nominal air flow rate of the air handling unit to be tested. If the filter is upstream of the fan, leakages of the sections between the filter and fan are deemed to be included in the specified values. In the case of downstream filters the specified values are for the bypass around the filteronly

UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)


Unfiltered air for filters located upstream the fan is considered to be the bypass leakage around the filter cells plus the casing air leakage of the sections between the filter and the fan. Unfiltered air for filters located downstream the fan is considered to be the bypass leakage around the filter cells only The unit shall be deemed to pass if the specified value for the filter bypass leakage rate, determined in 7.2, is no greater than the acceptable filter bypass leakage rate gva

.1.3Two or more filter sections in the same un

If two or more filter sections are provided within the air handling unit, the filter bypass leakage shall be testedseparatelyforeachfilter.

7.2.1 General


EN 1886:2007(E

The filter cells shall be removed and replaced with blanking plates, e.g. as shown in Figure 5. These plates shall have exactly the same shape, dimensions and surface quality as the filter cell in the area relevant to air tightness. Alternatively,the inlet face of every individualfilter cell may be covered with a plate or a foil The joints between the filter cells and frames shall not be covered and any additional fastenings of olates,foils shall not have any influence on the airtightness of the joints. Openings for electrical, air or water services shall be closed prior to testing. The accuracy of the measuring device for the leakage airflow shall be ± 3,o %

The filter cells shall be removed and replaced with blanking plates, e.g. as shown in Figure 5. These plates shall have exactly the same shape, dimensions and surface quality as the filter cell in the area relevantto airtightness. Alternatively,the inlet face of every individualfilter cell may be covered witha plate or a foil The joints between the filter cells and frames shall not be covered and any additional fastenings of olates,foils shall not have any influence on the airtightness of the joints. Openings for electrical, air or water services shall be closed prior to testing. The accuracy of the measuring device for the leakage airflow shall be ± 3,o %

UNIEN 1886:2008

.2.2Filters downstream of the fan (positive pre

EN 1886:2007 (E)

For testing, the inlet opening of the test filter section shall be covered with an airtight plate. A leakage test apparatus shall be connected as shown in Figures 6 and 7. The outlet opening for the test filter shall beopen. The test shall be carried out in two stages at a positive test pressure of 40o Pa. Firststage: Determination of the total leakage ql! The total leakage is specified by the formula: qLt=qL+qLf (4)) where is the total leakage; qL is the sum of leakages through the casing; qLf is the sum of leakages through the joints between the filter cell, the frame and the casing Measurement of the total leakage shall be carried out with blanking plates, replacing or covering each individual filter cell in the filter section; as described in 7.2.1.


EN 1886:2007

Secondstage: Determination of the leakage through the casing g

Air leakage through the casing shall be determined by eliminating all possible bypass leakage through the framework around the filter cells. Therefore the entire frontal face area of filter frames and filter cells shall be blanked off, including the filter frames adjoining the casing panels.

Air leakage through the casing shall be determined by eliminating all possible bypass leakage through the framework around the filter cells. Therefore the entire frontal face area of filter frames and filter cells shall be blanked off, including the filter frames adjoining the casing panels.

Key 1 Leakagetest apparatus 2 Inlet plate 3 Filter cells and filter frame blanked off 4Filter section 5 Casing

UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)

7.2.3Filters upstream of the fan (negative pr

For testing. the outlet opening of the section, which is downstream of the filter under negative pressure, shall be covered with an airtight plate. A leakage test apparatus shall be connected as shown in Figure 8. The inlet opening of the test filter section shall be open

Key 1Leakagetestapparatus 2 Outlet plate 3 Filter cells replaced by blanking plates or individually covered with a plastic foil 4Filtersection 5Casina

The following steps shall be added if there is a heat recovery section between the filter and the fan. Connectapressurisationfanto one airside openingof the unitpart whichdoesnot containthefilterto oe tested and close all otheropenings.Asecondfan shall be connectedonthe dischargesideof the part that contains the filter frame to be tested. Regulate the negative pressure downstream filter to between the two airsides to ± 5 Pa


EN 1886:2007 (E)


The testshall be carried out at a negativetestpressure of 4oo Pa The total leakage is specified by the formula: Lt=qL+qLf (6) where qLt is the total leakage; qL is the sum of leakages through the casing; qLf is the sum of leakages through the joints between the filter cell, the frame and the ca This is the value to calculate the filter bypass leakage rate.

UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)

8Thermalperformanceof casing)

This test procedure provides the means for classifying the thermal transmittance of an air handlin unit using a test enclosure with standard construction features. The test is also used to provide a measure of thermal bridging associated with the structural design.

DB/T 14-2018标准下载3.2.1Thermal transmittance

Thethermal transmittance,U(W×m"×K'),shall be determined whenthe steady state temperature difference is 2o K.Under these conditions,the value of U shall be classified in accordance with Table 8.The area usedforthe purposes of calculating the Uvalue shall be thatof the external surfaceof the casing (without a base frame and roof overhang e.g. as integral part of weatherproof units)


EN 1886:2007(E

8.2.2 Thermal bridging

Determine the thermal bridging factor kh as follows:

濮阳市万利捷财富广场消防水池施工组织设计UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)

The thermal bridging factor kh of the casing shall be graded in accordance with Table 9
