异径管接头3. 4.35
诱导器5. 6. 21
透导通风4.1.13 透导形变风量末端装置5.6.32
余热 4.1.21 余湿 4.1.22 余压4.2.4
噪声评价NC曲线9.1.14 噪声评价NR曲线 9. 1. 16
照明散热量 5.2.14 罩口风速 4.3.27 遮阳系数5.2.9 折算局部阻力系数
1/3倍频程9.1.11 A 声级 9. 1. 4
acoustic board
附录B 英 文 索弓
附录B 英 文 索 引
air curtain 3.6.26 air cushion shock absorber 9.3.14 air diffusion performance index 2. 2. 11 airdistribution5.5.1 airdistributor4.6.22 airfacevelocity5.4.42 air filter6.3.1 air handling equipment 5. 6. 1 air heater3.6.25 air humidity 2. 1. 7 air inlet5. 5. 32 air inlet or outlet 4. 6. 19 air inlet or outlet with slide plate 4. 6.24 air intake4.3.11 air leakage rate 4. 1. 31 air lock6.3.47 air movement of fan 5. 5. 22 air pattern6. 2. 7 air preheater5. 6. 47 air preheater7. 4. 20 air purification 2. 1. 30 air return mode 5. 5. 28 air return through corridor 5. 5.29 air self cleaner6.3.39 air shower booth 6. 3. 45 air space3. 2. 2 air supply mode5. 5. 16 air supply volume per unit area 5. 5. 23 air system leakage ratio 4. 1. 33
air supply volume per unit area
central air conditioning system
constanttemperatureandhumidity system
continuous regulation
convector 3. 6. 18 cooker hood 4.3.30 cool storage 7. 3. 39 cooling5. 4. 11 cooling air curtain 5. 6. 23 cooling coil 15. 6. 51 cooling coil section5. 6. 17 cooling degree days2. 3. 37 cooling load from heat conduction through envelope 5. 2. 24 cooling load from outdoor air5. 2. 25 cooling load temperature5. 2. 28 cooling tower7.3.53
economic resistance of heat transfer 3. 2. 16 economic thickness of insulation layer 9. 4. 5 economic velocity3.5.22 effective coefficient of local resistance 3. 5. 18 effective draft temperature 5. 5. 41 effective length3. 5. 9 effective stack height4. 5.24 effective temperature 2. 2. 13 ejector7. 3. 25 elbow3. 4. 36 electric air cleaner6. 3. 18 electric atmospheric pressure hot water boiler 7. 4. 1 electric boiler7.4.3 electric fan4.7.30 electric heater 5.6.45
extrememoisturecontent 2. 3.51
full cool storage
general exhaustventilation
hand pump3. 6. 15 harmful gas and vapor 4. 5. 1 harmful substance 4. 1. 23 header3.4.32 header3.6.35 header3. 6. 36 heat and moisture transfer5. 4. 22 heat balance4. 1. 19 heat conduction coefficient3. 2. 7 heat consumption on ventilation during heating period 3. 2. 43 heat cost allocator3. 6. 61 heat exchanger3. 6. 1 heat flow rate3. 2. 6 heat gain from appliance and equipment 5. 2. 13 heat gain from lighting5. 2. 14 heat gain from occupant 5. 2. 12 heat insulating window 4. 3. 13 heat lag3. 2. 20 heat loss3. 2. 23 heat loss by infiltration 3. 2. 33 heat measuring device 3. 6. 60 heat meter 8. 3. 18 heat metering 3. 1. 49 heat pipe 5. 6. 52 heat pipe recovery equipment 5. 6. 63 heat pump 7. 1. 6 heat pump air conditioner 5. 6. 4 heat release 4. 2. 12
jet axial velocity
kang heating 3. 1. 27
radiant air conditioning system
refrigerating machine
regenerative noise
sensible heat
solar energy contribution rate
atifiedair conditioning
temperature transducer
DB41/T 1998-2020 水资源监控数据传输规约.pdfchermostatic expansion valve
water cool (heat) storage
GAMMAinstabusKNX学校系统workingflowcharacteristicof controlvalve
workingflowcharacteristicofcontrolvalve 8. 3. 51 working pair of absorption refrigeration 7. 2. 7