BS5467-1997 额定电压600-1000V热塑性绝缘铠装电缆.pdf

BS5467-1997 额定电压600-1000V热塑性绝缘铠装电缆.pdf
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BS5467-1997 额定电压600-1000V热塑性绝缘铠装电缆.pdf


BS 54671997

Committees responsible for this

AssociationofConsultingEngineers AssociationofManufacturersofDomesticElectricalAppliances BEAMAElectrical Cable and ConductorAccessory ManufacturersAssociation BritishApprovals ServiceforCables BritishCablesAssociation BritishIronand SteelProducers'Association BritishPlasticsFederation Departmentof TradeandIndustry(Consumer SafetyUnit,CADivision) ElectricityAssociation LondonTransport

Q/GDW 11500-2016标准下载Amendmentsissued sincepublication

BS 5467:1997




BS 5467:1997



I)BritishApprovals ServiceforCables,23PresleyWayCrownhill,MiltonKeynes, Buckinghamshire, MKs OES.

BS 5467:1997

2Normative references


BS 54671997




BS 5467:1997

Thecablesshall bedesignatedbytheratedvoltagesUoandU,expressedintheformUU Theratedvoltagesrecognizedforthepurposesofthis standardare600/1000Vand1900/3300V Themaximumdesignated voltages(U.)forthepurposesofthis standardfor600/1000V and1900/3300Vcablesarerecognizedas1200Vand3600Vrespectively. NOTEGuidance on the selection of cables of appropriate voltage designations for particular systems is given in A.2

ThecablesshallbedesignatedbytheratedvoltagesUoandU,expressedintheformUU Theratedvoltages recognized forthepurposesof this standardare600/1000Vand1900/3300V Themaximumdesignated voltages (U.)forthepurposesofthis standardfor600/1000V and1900/3300Vcablesarerecognizedas1200Vand3600Vrespectively. NOTEGuidance on the selection of cables of appropriate voltage designations for particular systems is given in A.2

5 Conductors

6 Insulation

6.2Thickness ofinsulation

thesmallest of themeasured values shall notfall belowthevaluegiven in Table 4to Tablei8,as appropriate,bymorethan(1o%+o.1mm). 6.3Sparktestingofinsulation The coreinsulation shall conform to therequirements for spark testing specified in BS 5099 when tested inaccordancewiththea.c.ord.c.testmethods specifiedinthat standard

7Identification of cores

The cores of all cables shall be identified either by colour or by numbers.Numbers shall be ma sequentially starting with the numberi Colour coding shall bein accordancewith the followin

Identification Brownorblue Brown,blue Brown,black,grey Blue,brown, black,grey


BS 54671997

Numbers oneach core shall beprinted in a colourcontrasting with that of the insulation. The height of the individual number shall be not less than 1.5mm. The spacing shall be such that each number is repeated at intervals not greater than 70 mm Conformityshall becheckedbyvisual examinationandmeasurement

7.3Clarityanddurability The colour or the number used for core identification shall be clearly identifiable and durable such thati annotbe removed when rubbed i0 times with a piece of cotton wool or cloth soaked in water.


9.2Thickness of bedding

BS 5467:1997

Theapproximatethicknessofthetapedbeddingshallbe0.8mm. The minimumthickness of extruded bedding measured inaccordancewith Annex D shall notfall belowthe valuegiven in Table 4to Table18, asappropriate, byanamount more than (20 %+0.2mm).

The thickness and width of aluminium strip, determined in accordancewith G.6, shall not dill valuesspecifiedintheappropriatetablebymorethan1o%. Thetensilestrength of aluminium strip,when tested in accordancewith G.4, shall benot less han145N/mm



10.4 Joints

11 Oversheath


The ends of each factory length of cablehaving three or more cores of conductor size 25mm?and above shall bemarked redor green.The end at which the sequence of core colours,as specified in Clause7,is clockwise shall bemarked red and theotherend shall bemarked green.


BS 5467:1997

12.2Externalmarking The external surface of all cables conforming to this British Standard shall be legiblym followingelements.

Themarkingoftheitemsa)tod)shall bebyembossingorindentingontheoversheath For cables withtabulated approximate overall diametersgreaterthan15mm,items a),b)andc)shall appear,inanys sequencethatisdeemedneithertoconfusenorconflict,ontwoor moreprimarylinesalong theaxisof the cables,approximately equallyspaced around thecircumferenceof thecable. Itemsd)ande)shall appeareitherononeof theprimarylines,oronasecondarylineorlines,inany sequencethatisdeemedneitherto confusenorconflict. NorE3(Itemsd)ande)neednotbothappearonthesameline. For cables with tabulated approximate overall diameters up to and including 15 mm,the elements ofthe marking shallbedisposed as forcables of greaterthan 15mm diameterexcept thatthe marking foritems a),b)andc)shallappearononeormoreprimarylines. Theletters and figures shall consist of uprightblock characters withaminimumheight of3mm The distance betweenthe end of one element ofmarking andthe beginning of the next identical element ofmarkingshallbenotgreaterthan550mmforitemsa),b)andc)andnotgreaterthan1100mmforitems a)ande). Conformityshall becheckedbyvisual examinationandmeasurement. 12.3Identificationofyearofmanufacture Ameans of identifying theyear of manufactureshall be provided throughout thelength of cable,eitherby markingorbyanidentificationthread. If theidentification is by internal marking.thedistancebetweenthe end of one mark and thebeginning of thenextmarkshallbenotgreaterthan550mm. Iftheidentification is bymarking on the surface,the maximum distance between marks shall be not greaterthanl1oomm. 12.4Themarkofanapproval organization If the mark ofan approval organization is used it shall be provided throughout thelength of the cable eitheronthesurfaceorasanidentificationthread. Ifthemarkis applied to thesurfaceofthecable,itshallbeintheform ofsymbol(s)specifiedbytheapproval organization, and the maximum distance between marks shall benotgreater than1ioo mm. If the mark is in theform ofan identification thread,it shallbe as specifiedbythe approval organization





福州市建筑类建设工程规划许可智慧审图技术规程(试行).pdfBefore dispatch, the manufacturer shall cap the ends of the cable in order to form a seal to prevent the ngressofwaterduringtransportationandstorage.


15Test conditions

Ib.lAmbienttemperature Tests shall be performed at an ambient temperature of (20+15)°C unless otherwisespecified fortheparticulartest. 15.2Frequencyand waveformofpowerfrequencytestvoltages Unless otherwise specified in the particular test, thefrequency of the alternating test voltag the rangeof49Hz to 61HzThewaveform shall be substantially sinusoidal

Ib.lAmbienttemperature Tests shallbeperformed at an ambienttemperatureof(2015)Cunless otherwisespecifiedinthedetails ortheparticulartest. 15.2Frequencyandwaveformofpowerfrequencytestvoltages Unless otherwise specified in theparticulartest, the frequencyof the alternating test voltages shall be in therangeof49Hzto61Hz.Thewaveform shalibesubstantiallysinusoidal



BS 5467:1997

