GB/T 51154-2015 海底光缆工程设计规范(英文版).pdfGeneral Provisions
General Provisions
2. 1.Submarine repeate
2.1.5Cable landing poin
2. 1. 6 Cable landing station
2. 1.7 Sea wall
2.1.10Deep sea sectio
2. 1. 17 Route survey
3SystemConfigurationand SystemCategorization
3.1 System Configuration and Categorizatior
digital transmission systems shouldwork at the
4Digital Transmission System Design
4Digital Transmission System Design
4. 1Generic Requiremer
4. 4Submerged Equipment
4.8System Reliability
4. 8System Reliability
4.9System Maintenance Margin
4.9.1The maintenance margin for a system within design life should be designed according to the followingrequirements: 1 The number of repairs for land cable between the landing point and the landing station may be considered to be one per 4km,but should be no less than 2 in total; and the loss for each splice may be taken as 0.14dB. 2For the inshore section and the shallow se ion,repairsmay be considered to be oneper15km but should be no less than 5 in total; for the deep sea section,it may be considered to be one per 1,oookm; the loss of each repair shall include the attenuation of inserted submarine cable and joint attenuation,the length of inserted submarine cable may be calculated as 2. 5 times the sea depth,and the joint attenuation may be considered to be O. 4dB foreach repair. 3The maintenance margin of a submarine cable repeaterless transmission system shall be no more than5dB.
【书签版】GB 50538-2020-T:埋地钢质管道防腐保温层技术标准.pdf5.1Cable Route Desk Top Study
5. 1Cable Route Desk Top Study
5. 2 Submarine Cable Route Survev
DB34/T 3048-2017标准下载5.2.1Before conducting route survey,the installation institution shall obtain a permit for submarine optical cableroutesurvey. 5.2.2The route survey shall make clear the submarine geological and engineering conditions,marine meteorological and hydrological environment,marine planning and development activities, and other
conditions and confirm the optimal cable route,the requirements for submarine cableprotection,the way of installation.etc.
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