GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf

GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf
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GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf

Moeccentric bending moment on support column under operating condition(N·mm); R,—inside radius of spherical shell(mm); μpoisson's ratio of the material of spherical shell,which is taken as μ=0.3; Ematerial elasticity modulus of the spherical shell under room temperature(MPa). 9.2.11The additional bending moment on a support column under operating condition may be calculated accordingtofollowingformula

M。total bending moment on a support column under operating condition(N·mm). .13The stability of a support column under operating condition maybe determined according owingformmlas:

宿舍楼及公寓楼 施工组织设计lernessratioandtypeofcolumnand maleriai columnn

Note: The intermediate values are calculated by linear interpolation method

lote: Thc intermcdiatc values are calculated by linear interpolation n

2The frictional forcebetween thebaseplateof supportcolumn andthefoundationmay

calculated according to following formula

3The shear stress may be calculated according to following formula: 元nd


9.2.16The bending stress of the base plate(Figure 9.2.16)may be calculated according to the followingformula:

ldistancefrom outer edge of the base plate toouter surface of the support column(mm); D,diameterofbaseplate of supportcolumn(mm); o,—thicknessofbaseplate(mm); Ret.yield strength or 0.2% offset yield strength stipulated in the standard of base plate material under room temperature (MP)

following requirements

Fr=(P) cosβ 4FT T≤0.9Re. rdi

9.2.19The shear stress in connection welds between support columns and spherical shell (Figure 9.2.19)maybecalculatedaccordingtofollowing formulas

(F,)ma W~/(岁)+L



10.1 Generalrequirements

following formula:

Rinsideradiusoftank(m); hsloshingheightofstoredliquid(m) 1o.2.9Inthe case of tanks containing flammable ortoxic liquid,forfloating roof tank and dome roof tank, the distance from the liquid level to the top of the tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for the internal floating roof tank, the distance from the liquid level to the lower edge of the overflowdrainon thetank shell shall begreaterthanthesloshingheight

lo.3.1Ifthe checkingshowsthatthefirstshellcoursecannotmeet therequirements,additiona reinforcement pads shall be provided.Specifically,the reinforcement pads may be directly welded to or boltedtothefirstshell course. 10.3.2If thecheckingshowsthatatankscapabilityagainstoverturningcannotmeettherequirements thetank shallbefixedtothefoundationwithanchorbolts. 10.3.3For thetank whose walls are difficult to reinforce,and thetank where the sloshing heigh exceeds the distance from the liquid level to the top of the tank shell or the distance from the liquid level to the lower edge of the overflow drain on the tank shell,the liquid level may be reduced according to the results of seismic checking.


out according to the requirements of current national standard GB 5oo1l Code for Seismic Design of Buildings. 11.2.8The allowable deflection of flexural members of heaters under the action of frequent earthquake

out according to the requirements of current national standard GB 5oo11 Code for Seismic Buildings.

ll meet the requirements of Table11.2.8.The allowable displacement at thetop of framew umnsoftheheatersshallbelessthan1/450oftotallengthofthecolumns

Table11.2.8Allowabledeflection of flexural members


Figure11.3.2 Diagonal bracings of convection chamber

Table 11.3.7Quantity and diameter of anchor bolts at pedestal of each base column of heater


12.2Earthquake effect and seismic checking


EA, mk=m+m+m,+1

hequivalent calculation height of columns of air cooler(mm);

A,=B,H A.= LH


A, = L(H + H2

Figure 12.2.4Wind projection area of air cooler

3The wind moment applied on single column may be calculated according to following formul. M= Fwh (12.2.4 2n.

currentnationalstandardGB50017StandardforDesignofSteelStructure: 1Strengthcheckingalongthedirectionofapplicationofbendingmoment; 2Stabilitycheckofbendingmomentintheplane; 3Stabilitycheckofbendingmomentofoutsidetheplane. 12.2.8 The strength and stability check of trussed frames shall be carried out according to the requirements regarding checking of axially loaded members stipulated in the current national standard GB50017StandardforDesignofSteelStructures. 12.2.9The tensile force applied on diagonal bracings of structure with diagonal bracings may be calculatedaccordingtofollowingformula:

DB44/T 2252-2020 森林火灾应急预案编制导则.pdfNe=YReF+0.25Fw ncoso

Ne—tensileforceappliedondiagonalbracings(N) nkquantityofdiagonalbracings inthecheckingdirection; —horizontal angleofdiagonal bracing(°). 12.2.10The strength and stability of diagonal bracing shall be checked according to the requirements ofthecurrentnationalstandardGB50017StandardforDesignofSteelStructures. 12.2.11The shear stress ofwelds on diagonal bracings shall be checkcd according to therequirements of thecurrentnational standardGB50017StandardforDesign of SteelStructures.If thelength of welds isgreater than 10Omm,the shearstress checkingmaybe exempted. 12.2.12 The anchor bolts and pedestal plate of structures shall be checked according to the requirements of thecurrentnational standardGB50017Standard forDesignof Steel Structures.

123Seismic measurd

123Seismic measures



GB50009LoadCodefortheDesignofBuildingStructures GB500llCodeforSeismicDesignofBuildings GB50017StandardforDesignofSteelStructures GB50191CodeforSeismicDesignofSpecialStructures GB50453StandardforClassificationofSeismicProtectionof BuildingsandSpecialStructuresin etrochemicalEngineering GB/T50761StandardforSeismicDesignofPetrochemicalSteelEquipments GB12337SteelSphericalTanks GB18306SeismicGroundMotionParametersZonationMapofChina NB/T47041VerticalVesselsSupportedbySkirt

T/CECS 746-2020 混凝土耐久性修复与防护用隔离型涂层技术规程(完整正版、清晰无水印).pdfGB50009LoadCodefortheDesignofBuildingStructures GB5001lCodeforSeismicDesignofBuildings GB50017StandardforDesignofSteelStructures GB50191CodeforSeismicDesignofSpecialStructures GB50453StandardforClassificationofSeismicProtectionof BuildingsandSpecialStructuresin etrochemicalEngineering GB/T50761StandardforSeismicDesignofPetrochemicalSteelEquipments GB12337SteelSphericalTanks GB18306SeismicGroundMotionParametersZonationMapofChina NB/T47041VerticalVesselsSupportedbySkirt
