TBT3453.3-2016 动车组词汇 第3部分:部件和系统VIP包间 VIP客室
GB/T50731-2019 建材工程术语标准洗池 洗面柜 12.2.16 洗面室 12.2.15 洗面台 12.2.17 系统控制器 10.3.8 系统阻力 11.1.39 显示控制装置 8.2.4
ightpartition keequipment 6.2 sole
broadcasting ramantennae
wheelmounte 3.6. 6 wheel set and journal box devic wheel skid 6.1.40 wheel sliding 6.1.40 wheelchair anchor(block) 16.40 wheelset 3. 3. 2. 1 width of door openess 13.1.16 windowlock 13.3.2 window 13.2. windshield wiper switch 14.2. 13 wing brake 6. 1.8 wiper speed switch 14.2.20 wire duct wiredtrainbus 8.11 wirelessaccesspoint 10.2.10 wireless data transmission device 8.22 wireless transmission device for train operation supervision data 9. 2. 3 work plane 11. 2. 8 working plane 11. 2. 8 working reservoir 6.2. 29 wrought steel wheel 3. 3. 5 WTB/MVB gateway 8. 1.4 WTB WTD