I he project is located in the central business district of Chengdu(Jinjiang District). Located on second section of the Renmin South Road, Sec, the project site is north of jinjiang. The surrounding neighborhood is busy downtown area. The site aera is 155.2 arce, including Jingjiang hotel and its extention, Jingyuan building, Jingjiang uditorium, Dacheng hotel and associated plots. 包含锦江宾馆主楼、锦江宾馆新楼、锦苑楼、锦江大礼堂、大成宾馆及相关附属设施用地
高星级酒店:锦江宾馆、氓山饭店、索菲特万达大酒店商务办公:汇日央扩、招商银行大厦(中汇广场)、川信大厦、仁恒置地广场、天一大厦、航天大厦 文化娱乐:锦江大礼堂、四川省川剧院、四川省美术馆、四川省图书馆、成都市博物馆、锦城艺术宫 旅游交通:旅游集散服务窗口、民航服务窗口、新南门 旅游集散中心、旅行社服务聚集中心消费购物:目前成都最大奢侈品商场:美美力诚百货与仁恒置地广场 场学校教育:四川大学华西医学院、成都七中、盐 道街中学、盐道街小学、龙江路小学、东府幼儿园
P resent Goals including: The upgrade of the jingjiang Hotel, and the take off of the City Hall, and the establish of the green axis across the east and west in the site, and the first phase of the Nandajie Street future Goals including: The upgrade of the City Hall, and the renewal of the Jingjiang Auditorium, and the landmark skyscrapers of Nandajie Street. Multistage Strategy try to realize sustainable construction and upgrading, thus to make the aera a vivid and extracting city landmark. 远期目标包括:城市大堂的升级,锦江大礼堂的更新,以及南大街标志性超高层的建设。 通过分期实施,可持续建设,固件升级,最终将地块打造成富有城市活力,吸引人气的城市地标
P resent Goals including: The upgrade of the Jingjiang Hotel, and the take off of the City Hall, and the es and the first phase of the Nandajie Street uture Goals including: The upgrade of the City Hall, and the renewal of the Jingjiang Auditorium, and tha Multistage Strategy try to realize sustainable construction and upgrading, thus to make the aera a vivid 远期目标包括:城市大堂的升级,锦江大礼堂的更新,以及南大街标志性超高层的建设。 通过分期实施,可持续建设,固件升级,最终将地块打造成富有城市活力,吸引人气的城市地标
城市大堂的企划: 经典大堂+临江大堂=锦江宾馆大堂升级(宾馆入口、大堂区域入口) 森之大堂=银杏林升级(景观大堂) 中央大堂=大堂中枢=新会议大堂(新会议中心大堂,大堂区域核心) 水之大堂=卢浮宫升级大堂=地铁连接景观大堂(卢浮宫扩展、地铁接入) 风之大堂二入口景观大堂(大堂区入口,沿人民南路形象) 历史大堂=远期锦江礼堂延伸大堂(礼堂更新扩展区域)
某中心扩建工程施工组织设计V V ith the development of rail transportation in Chengdu and the advancement of western tourism, transportation planning of this project not only for their own organizations of different types of property relative to the separation of flow lines, as to take the airport bus station of the functional demands and fully tap the traffic distribution function of the project, and establish their travel interchanges cognitive, help enterprises to occupying tourism beginning to the end consumer market.
of rail transportation in Chengdu and the advancement of western tourism, transportation planning of this project not only for th t types of property relative to the separation of flow lines, as to take the airport bus station of the functional demands and fully tap th
远期锦江大礼堂的更新,将以世界级文化遗产 改造为榜样,在作为旅行门户和展示中心的同 时,自身也是融历史与旅游景点于一体的城市 名片。