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..GOTS criteria or thelocal legal requirements, which is higher,shall be followed...

..GOTS criteria or the local legal reguirements, which is hicher. shall be foll



USDANOP (USAOrganic Regulation) List of NOPaccredited certifiers APEDANPOP EU 2018/848 (EU Organic Regulation) EC 889/2008(providing implementation rules for EC 834/2007 regarding organic production labelling and control) EC 1235/2008 (providing implementation rules for EC 834/2007 regarding imports of organic products from third countries) List of standards approved in the IFOAM Family of Standards Listof IFOAMaccredited certifiers

USDANOP(USAOrganicRegulation) List of NOPaccredited certifiers APEDANPOP EU 2018/848 (EU Organic Regulation) EC 889/2008 (providing implementation rules for EC 834/2007 regarding organic production labellingand control) EC 1235/2008 (providing implementation rules for EC 834/2007 regarding imports of organic products from third countries) List of standards approved in the IFOAM Family of Standards Listof IFOAMaccredited certifiers

and/or of animal welfare principles (including Mul

hibited and restricted

.... Inputs which are classified with specific hazard statements (risk phrases) related to health hazards



In case new animal/fish tests for an input would have been carried out in a legally binding registration procedure (such as REACH), it shall be demonstrated that these tests were mandatory, and no alternative method would have been accepted. Other ways and in all othe cases of new animal/fish tests performed, the corresponding input shall not be approved for GOTS

...AllchemicalinputsintendedtobeusedtoprocessGOTSGoodsaresubjecttoapprovalbya GOTS Approved Certifierprior to their usage.Preparations shall have been evaluated and theirtrad names registered on approved lists priorto their usage by a GOTSApproved Certifierwho is authorised by the Global Standard gGmbH for the specific accreditation scope:“Approval of textile auxiliary agents (chemical inputs) on positive lists" (Scope 4).

Chemicalformulators shall implementappropriateandeffectiveproduct stewardshippractices. Adequate systems for producttesting and quality assurance shall be in place. Interpretation: Product Stewardship practices may include, but not limited to: Controlonraw materialsforconsistent qualityand hazardous substances Process control duringformulation for consistent quality and hazardous substances. QualityAssurancepractices informulationofpreparations. Testing plan forraw materials, preparations and intermediate products, if any. Stafftrainingforrisk assessment. Adequate evaluation of preparations for release of hazardous substances during intended use. Implementation: The requirements of this Section shallbe implemented by 01March 2022


TherequirementsofthisSectionshallbeimplementedby01March2022andformulatorsare expected to have been first inspected through GOTS Approved CBs (Scope 4) by 01 July 2022

.... Following GOTS criteria shall be included in the audit of a chemical supplier: Section 2.4.10 Section2.4.11, (seeManualforCoD requirements) Section3.6 Interpretation of Section2.4.11in this context: Wastewater CoD values in case of a chemical formulator shall be below 250 ppm or shall meet legal requirements, whicheveris lower.

2.4.6 Dyeing

2.4.6 Dyeing

2.4.6 Dyeing and 2.4.7 Printing

Reguirements foradditional fibre materi

9.2 RequirementsforAccessories

2.4.10Environmental management

he available data andprocedures need to include

theirconsumptionperkgoftextileoutput target goals and procedures to reduce energy and water consumption per kg of textile outd

...Certified Entities are required to collect information on sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) within their own operations and identify means for reduction for each source ....

2.4.11Wastewater Treatment

Note:CODrequirementsforGOTSaremeasureding/kgofprocessedoutput. ypicalCoDtes reports contain CODvalues ing/lit of effluent/discharge.Inspectors will need to calculate the C ing/kgofprocessedoutputbasedoncalculationgivenaboveinthesecases.

...Wastewater analyses shall be performed and documented periodically at norma capacity.

Suggested test parameters for treated wastewater should include: AOx (with a limit of 5 mg/l) and Heavy Metal residues as per following table

2.4.12Storage,packagingandtransport (B2C)trade of GOTS goods

..." Textile fibre materials used for packaging, shall follow one of these three conditions: ... c) meet criteria for permitted additional fibres (Section but without limitation on percentage and meet RSL criteria as in Section 2.4.16" ...

Interpretation: Fibres permitted as additional fibres in Section can be used for textile packaging materials withoutrestrictiononpercentage Forexample: Packaging material made of 100% lyocell fibre and 100% recycled polyester can be used. Packaging material made of virgin polyester or conventional cotton or acrylic fibres cannot be used

ertifiedEntitiespurchasingorganic fibres shall receive andmaintain Scope Certificatesand/or action Certificates (where applicable) of the producer and trader(s) (if applicable)forthe Organic iction Standard for the whole quantity purchased."....

For the purposes of traceability and operation of the Centralised Database System (under development),informationaboutfirstcertified organicfibre input is required to be collectedand maintainedbythe Certified Entity.Data would need to be maintained in a suitable document,such as a spreadsheet, in a prescribed format.The format is being developed in harmonisation with Textile Exchange and will contain details of Scope Certificate(s) of fibre producer(s) / producer group(s) along with quantity of purchased fibre(s),

Limit valuesfor residues in GOTS Goods

.Foradequatemplementationandassessmentoftnefollowingspecificcriteriaadnerencetotne correspondingInternational LabourConventions of the International LabourOrganisation (ILO)and OECDshallbeassured.

Assessmentwhile conducting inspections andaudits." Interpretation: Approved Certifiers shall assess risk associated with operations based on local and sectorial parameters and documentthe same. FurtherGuidance: For integrating better practices in the textile supply chains, the Approved Certifiers and Certifiec Entities may further refer to OECD Due Diligence Guidance and United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Further guidance:

Certified entities are required to collect and analyse data aboutworkers'remuneration and report what thelowest paid worker is earning and the average earning for each group (e.g., level) of workers. Living Wages as estimated by Global Living Wage Coalition shallbe used as adefinition benchmark.Wheresuchbenchmarksareunavailable,orinadditiontothesebenchmarks,Template 5:FairRemunerationQuickScanasavailablefromamforiBSClshouldbeused. Thistemplateshould beread/usedwiththe Section of the amfori BSCI System Manual onFair Remuneration (especiallytheauditing interpretation guidelines part lllandguidelines forproducers partIV)andtheAnnex9onHowtopromoteFairRemuneration. Certified Entities are encouraged to working towards closing the Wage Gap which may be required, overtime, in the future. Reference: Template5:FairRemuneration Quick Scan


3.9.3 Overtimeshallbevoluntary,shallnotexceed12hoursperweek,shallnotbe demanded on a regular basis and shall not represent a significantly higher likelihoo occupationalhazards.




Further Guidance for“Exceptions for Traders and Retailers'is provided as following

..“BasisforauthorisationbytheGlobalStandardgGmbHisanaccreditationofthecertifierin accordancewiththeGlobalStandardgGmbHdocument'ApprovalProcedureandRequirementsfol

."BasisforauthorisationbytheGlobalStandardgGmbHisanaccreditationofthecertifierin accordancewiththeGlobalStandardgGmbHdocument'ApprovalProcedureandRequirementsfoi

FurtherGuidance: For risk assessment in textile supply chains, Approved Certifiers and Certified Entities should further refertoOECDDue DiligenceGuidance. Reference OECD (2018),OECDDue Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and FootwearSector,OECDPublishing,Paris

QualitativeGMOscreeningofcottonwithintheGOTSsupplychainshallbeperformedby appropriately qualified (such as: ISO 17025)testing laboratories using ISo IWA 32 protocol. Thi protocol establishes that GMO screening is only possible on unprocessed (raw/greige) cotton.

Notwithstanding the above, GOTS recognises that testing techniques evolve and improve over time. Ar techniques other than the Iso IWA 32 protocol and / or testing on processed cotton can be employed only after technically supported external verification and subsequent confirmation of such techniques by GOTS

Notwithstandingtheabove,GOTSrecognisesthattestingtechniguesevolveand improveoverti techniques other than the ISO IWA 32 protocol and / or testing on processed cotton can be empl only after technically supported external verification and subsequent confirmation of such technid GOTS

ould be abundantly clearthat testing of GOTS Goods (for residues)and GOTS approved inputs are rely within the responsibility and ambit of Certified Entities and Approved Certifiers, based on their ific assessment of risk in each case. However, purely for guidance, test parameter matrices are estedbelow



..... Adherence to relevant OECD guidelines shall be assured ....

Interpretation : OECD "Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance" shall be th referencedocument.

...Only paper or cardboard tampon applicators arepermitted..

DB5115/T 7-2019 农村产权流转交易服务规范 森林资源资产价值评估3 Specific criteria forInputs

Fragrances and lubricants


.. meet the specific legal (hygienic and GMP) requirements applicable for its products and in the country / region.

GBT38264-2019:建筑幕墙耐撞击性能分级及检测方法 (无水印 带书签)ApplicableLegislation

Copyright:2020by Global Standard gGmbH
