



Dispersionparametersforacontinuous sourceaccordingto[l]

The imner concentration in a room at the front side

(8a). C2* the concentration in room 2 (lee side) at time t,to be calculated with, for instance, equation (AI). The other units are similar to the units given in Paragraph 4.

GTCC-019-2019 机车综合无线通信设备LBJ单元-铁路专用产品质量监督抽查检验实施细则quatior (8a). 2* the concentrarion in room 2 (lee side) at time t, to be calculated with, for instance, equation (AI). he other units are similar to the units given in Paragraph4.


Chapter 7 Population data


Withintheframeworkofriskanalysis,theefi the surroundings aretranslated, into thedamagecausedbythis.Damage modeis,for this purpose,are presented in this edition, In the determination of the degree of injury which can be sustained, data about the presence of people in the surroundings and about their stay are necessary.An inventory is presented in this chanter.of data available foruse in risk analysis studies.

Residential areas

Detailed data

Detailedpopulationdata areoften availableinmunicipaities,govemmental planning services and provincial planning services. The Dutch Ministry of VROM* is presently working on a database of population data per 100x 100 meterssquaresforalloftheNetherlands.

forsmall as well as large damage areas.

Ministry ot Housing,Physical Planning andtheEnviron

Stry of Housing, Physical Planning and the Environmen

Glohal data

Population density in cities


Population density per type of residential area

affectspartofacityoravillagewithitssuroundings,abetterestimateofthenumberofpeoplepresent can be obtained,then,by using values of population densities for different types of residential areas.

Other areas

Other areas

Industrial area

Fromthis inventory3categonescangloballybedistinguished:

Within thebusiness branches,large differences canbefound in personnel densitypertype and sizeof business.The numbers given, consequently,can only be used as global indications. Intensively working businesses and offices in banking or insurance entities the personnel density can raiseupto2o0persons/haormore Generally, in offices people are present only during the day,but in businesses with work in shifts there arealsopeoplepresentduringthenight

Recreational area

Thenumberofpeoplepresent in arecreational area is verydifficulttoestimate.Peoplearenotalways present in suchareas,sothatagiven probabilityofpresencemustbeestablished. Presenceof people in recreational areas is stronglydependent on season,weather conditions and on th layoftheweek. Various types of recreational areascanbedifferentiated,suchas covered areas (less dependentonthe season)and open areas,suchas beaches,playgrounds,zoological gardens andparks. Somemunicipalities were asked toprovidedataabout the capacities ofcampingbusinesses.The followingglobaldatahavebeen obtainedfrom this:

Other camping businesses:

lastdataarein agreement with theestimatemadeinr

indoors/outdoors, day/ni

population density,also data relating to presenceofpeople indoors or outdoors. Depending on the effect, the fact of remaining indoors may,or may not, offer protection. Incases ofheat radiation or toxic gas clouds staying indoors doesoffer protection.Areduction factor for the consequences is often applied in studies.This reductionfactor, for a toxic gas cloud,depends on the ventilationrateofthebuilding,thepassage time ofthe cloud andthetime during whichpeople remain indoors,

formation inside and due to the collapse of a building caused by an explosion.

An inventory is made in ref. [2] regarding how a person, on the average, splits its time and wher person is staying:

home,indoors: 69%ofthetime somewhereelse,indoors: 24%ofthetime outdoors (inclusive of travel time): 7% of the time

characteristics suchasageandoccupation Article [7] indicates how many people are present in a given residential area at different times of day:

Eommended methodology

CECS 215-2017-T 燃气采暖热水炉应用技术规程Methodology regarding population data

Generallyspeaking,itisofcourse,preferable,forpurposes ofrisk analysis,tobe abletoobtain detailed and up to date population data which, most of the time, are available at municipalities and planning services.

Type of area

Presence during dav/night indoors/outdoors

various categories,can vary substantially and are dependent on a largenumber offactors which must furtherquantified,suchas:

warious categories,can vary substantiallyand aredependentona largenumber offactors which mustbe furtherquantified,suchas:

GB/T 42105-2022 水泥和煤炭行业能源管理绩效评价指南Table I Swmmary ofthe note:Data on presencefordamage calculations. D.v.d.BrandandMrs.S.Fiebelkorn[3]

Remarks with reference to tablell
